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understanding by design,professional development workbook
McTighe, Jay ; Wiggins, Grant
Reseña del libro "understanding by design,professional development workbook"
Implementing the popular Understanding by Design(R) (UbD(TM)) framework is much easier when you use this in-depth resource for workshops, curriculum teams, and teacher training. This collection of templates, design tools, examples, and exercises helps you give all staff members a firm grasp of key UbD principles, including How to use backward design to align curriculum with assessment and instruction. Why to focus curriculum on the "big ideas" in your content standards. Which learning activities are more apt to enable students to achieve desired results. Give staff members at all levels clear action steps they need in every stage of the UbD process, including Drafting curriculum units based on essential questions. Creating performance tasks and rubrics for assessing student understanding in any subject. Organizing, sequencing, and guiding classroom learning experiences. Included are steps for conducting a peer review of unit designs plus process steps to guide your implementation of UbD systemwide.