Como Crecer Cuando ya has Crecido: Una Guia Practica y Sencilla Para Lograr la Armonia, la Paz y el Equilibrio en la Edad Adulta = How to Grow Up When
O'connor, Nancy, Ph. (Autor)
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Como Crecer Cuando ya has Crecido: Una Guia Practica y Sencilla Para Lograr la Armonia, la Paz y el Equilibrio en la Edad Adulta = How to Grow Up When - O'Connor, Nancy, PH.
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Reseña del libro "Como Crecer Cuando ya has Crecido: Una Guia Practica y Sencilla Para Lograr la Armonia, la Paz y el Equilibrio en la Edad Adulta = How to Grow Up When"
No tengas miedo a crecer! Como crecer cuando ya has crecido es la guia perfecta para todo aquel que desee evolucionar como ser humano, dejando atras los complejos, la mediocridad y las frustraciones infantiles a fin de llegar a ser la persona adulta que todos deseariamos: desbordante de carisma, de paz interior, de bondad innata y de sabiduria. Una persona cuya compania es siempre placentera y que sirve de ejemplo e inspiracion para todos los que le rodean. La doctora Nancy OConnor es psicologa clinica, autora del libro Dejalos ir con amor: el proceso del duelo y directora de La Mariposa Counseling Services y del Grief and Loss Center de Tucson, Arizona. / The thesis of this self-help book is that four personality aspects (physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual) must be balanced if individuals are to become adults. Because each person is an individual personality that is out of balance in some way, growth is a life-long process. The initial 2 chapters, Growth And Growing Up, define what it means to grow up and delineate each of the four personality aspects, ending with a questionnaire to help the reader assess his or her status as an adult. The following four sections, Parts Two through Five (14 chapters), deal specifically with each of the four personality aspects, breaking each down into its significant qualities, identifying the issues commonly associated with that aspect, and offering techniques for achieving growth in it. Part 6, Getting It All Together (3 chapters), lists some universal truths, encourages the reader to begin seeing his or her life holistically and to embark on a consciously-structured plan of growth, and ends with some thoughts on the present spiritual condition of the world and the possibility of wholeness for the entire planet.