What's Good About Anger? 52-Week Expanded Anger Management Book & Workbook: Transforming Anger into Healthy Skills for Positive Change (en Inglés)
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Most people believe that anger is a negative emotion from which no good can come. Many people think that anger should not be expressed and that such feelings are wrong. This 52-week book and workbook explores the emotion of anger and how anger - which is a part of the human experience - can be transformed into healthy skills for positive change. Includes practical tools, real life situations and the best anger management strategies for personal and relational change. Learn about: How to Rate Your Anger and Progress, Triggers for Anger, Anger's Many Faces, The Power of Anger, When Anger is Good, Defusing Anger by Managing Stress, Handling Anger Effectively, Anger and Assertiveness, Managing Conflict, Turning Anger into Forgiveness, When to Take a Time-Out, Changing Your Brain with Positive Self-Talk, Emotional Intelligence and Empathy Skills, Relaxation Skills to Break Anger Escalation, Effective Anger Management Strategies, De-escalating a Confrontation, Preventing and Interrupting Aggression, How Motivation & Expectations Impact Anger, Whether Guilt from Anger is True or False.