Secretos de Placer #3 / Secrets of Pleasure #3

Montagud, Elena · Grijalbo

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"La tercera entrega de la Trilogía del placer nos trae más sorpresas.Sensualidad, deseo... y una amenaza inesperada.La historia se acerca a su fin... Con quién soñarás ahora? Melissa y Héctor han decidido contraer matrimonio, pero a veces la vida depara algunas sorpresas... y no todas son bonitos regalos de boda.Héctor ama a Melissa con todas sus fuerzas y, precisamente por eso, sabe que hay cosas de su pasado que no puede contarle.Melissa sabe que hay sombras en la vida de Héctor que nunca se han disipado del todo. Ahora está decidida a hacer lo que sea para protegerlo de ellas. Incluso traicionarlo.Una historia de hoy sobre mujeres que buscan el amor y hombres que dicen querer solo sexo. Tan real y tan intensa como la vida misma..." ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The third installment of the Pleasure Trilogy brings us more surprises.Sensuality, desire ... and an unexpected threat.The story is drawing to a close... Who will you dream of now? Melissa and Héctor have decided to get married, but sometimes life has surprises in store ... and not all are pretty wedding gifts.Héctor loves Melissa with all his heart, and precisely because of that, he knows that there are things in his past that he can't tell her. Melissa knows that there are shadows in Héctor's life that have never completely dissipated. And now she is decided to do whatever is necessary to protect him from them. Even betray him. A modern story about women who are looking for love and men who say they only want sex. As real and intense as life itself.

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