Ruta 70. Recuerdos del Aula

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En Ruta 70 no hay dos historias que se parezcan siquiera un poco. Los personajes son dispares, los conflictos que enfrentan son completamente diferentes, el mundo que los rodea es absolutamente distinto, aun cuando todos se situan en un entorno mexicano. De hecho, ademas de haber nacido en Mexico en la decada de los setenta, lo unico que estos diez autores tienen en comun es que todos ellos escriben con garra. Al leer estos cuentos tendras oportunidad de asomarte a ese tiempo en que estaba de moda peinarse el copete con brillantina y grabar en casettes virgenes los grandes exitos de la radio; evocan los viejos salones de las escuelas, las calles de provincia, los sabores del pie de pina, la torta de cafeteria, los juegos, las modas, el soundtrack que sonaba en aquel momento. / In Route 70 there are not two stories that look even a little alike. The characters are disparate, the conflicts they face are completely different, the world that surrounds them is absolutely different, even though they are all located in a Mexican environment. In fact, in addition to being born in Mexico, in the decade of the seventies, the only thing that these ten authors have in common is that they all write with claw. When reading these stories you will have the opportunity to look at that time when it was fashionable to comb your hair with glitter and record in virgin casettes the great successes of the radio; they evoke the old halls of the schools, the provincial streets, the flavors of the pineapple pie, the cafeteria cake, the games, the fashions, the soundtrack that sounded at that moment.

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