Les Corts Jurisdiccionals a la Corona Darago (s. Xi-Xviii) (en Catalá)

Lluís/Reixach Sala Sales Favà · Documenta Universitaria

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This volume brings together a selection of studies on the phenomenon of jurisdiction in medieval and modern times. Specifically, it focuses on the actual exercise of justice where it used to take place: the court or tribunal. The book aims to contribute to the consolidation of research on jurisdictional courts and, as a whole, on the exercise of power and justice prior to the liberal state.The different authors, with particular chronologies and geographical frameworks within the Crown of Aragon, present documentary sources that allow us to understand these instances. The specialists present these sources in combination with the necessary prior tasks of identification, description and comparative study of the types of registers and acts. These are tasks that other European historiographical schools have already completed for a long time, but which were still largely unfinished in our country. Only after having accepted the scope and limits of the available documentation will it be possible to develop new lines of research (or to resume those already begun) in relation to different aspects of the economy, society and politics of the territories of the kings of Aragon during the medieval and modern periods.

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