La Biblia Según Dios

Diostuitero · Malpaso Editorial

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Reseña del libro

It's true. The Bible is the most widely read book of all time. But none of the numerous versions you're familiar with are accurate. Why? Because they were all written by man. And, as with all of man's creations, it's flawed and imperfect. The Bible is rife with historical, scientific, geographic, and linguistic errors, plus, contradictions. I offer you the definitive version of the Bible, derived from the true word of God.

Opiniones del Libro

Frank Erik Donayre Sánchez Jueves 13 de Agosto, 2020

"Excelente libro, entretenido y revelador."

Felipe Gajardo Viernes 18 de Septiembre, 2020

"Excelente libro muy interesante y entretenido"

Adolfo Fuentealba Detzel Miércoles 23 de Junio, 2021

"muy buen libro, didactico, llevando esa tematica de una forma muy liviana y agradable a la lectura"

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